Industrial Gas Conversion Calculators - Ranch Cryogenics >180 MMscfd. 165.18 = V2 x (288.15 / 273.15) V2 = 156.58 nm3/hr (gives great nm3/h which is less < than the sm3/h) Working with gas flow unit pairs individually. This is a sample of the MMSCFD Conversion Calculator. To access the working calculator, please sign up for free membership trial. This calculator can be used to quickly convert gas volumetric flow at given operating temperature and pressure conditions to Million Metric Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD). What is the MMSCFD (Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day) flowrate corresponding to 100m 3 /hr of nitrogen The standard used is 35.3657 scuffs to 1 scm. but the result i got is about 799 kmol. Conversion factors for energy Input unit Output unit … Reply. Use Density 450 Kg/Cubic Meter. 1 Terajoules to Cubic Feet Of Natural Gas = 947817.1203. 1 Billion Cubic Feet: A billion cubic feet. Medium-Scale Liquefaction Technology - GLMRI Liquid measured at 1 atmosphere and boiling temperature. This is a sample of the MMSCFD Conversion Calculator.To access the working calculator, please sign up for free membership trial.. Thank you Pak Arief for leaving comment in my blog 🙂 . CO2 Metric tons/ day (t/d) CO2 gallons/ day. Flow. Sample Problem for MMSCFD calculation. You can also go to the universal conversion page. Converting from scuffs to cubic meters means using a conversion factor that compensats for the differing standards. • Linde LE’s advanced single-flow for mid-scale 0.2-1.0-MTPA plants. This is an interesting subject, as in the UK a mmscfd means Imperial Standard Cubic Feet! 1 mtpa to mmscfd million standard cubic feet per day.