Document presentation format: On-screen Show . It has to take care of its workforce. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for "Best PowerPoint Templates" from Presentations Magazine. Career planning is the deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of his or her personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics; acquires . Career Planning and Development 1 Career Planning and Development ... 1 of 33 . Learn about:- 1. Career development is essential for LSU employees. 3. Career.ppt - CAREER DEVELOPMENT CAREER DEVELOPMENT Historical ... It can be undertaken either by the individual alone or can be a concerted activity along with the organisation's career systems. HR Scorecard 3. Career Planning: Process, Steps and Stages | HRM With so many choices, it can be challenging to know what . PPT - Introduction to Human Resource Development (HRD) PowerPoint ... For Career Development - People & Culture People Strategy Action plan. Competency-based HR Management 2. PPT PowerPoint Presentation Best website on HRM - Excellent HR Tools and HR Presentation Slides ... Process of Career Planning & Development The following are the steps in Career Planning and Development: 1. Chapter 8: Training and Development - Human Resource Management Latest Human Resource Management Presentation Topics. Matching your career goals to your financial needs. The three P's—philosophy (strategy), policy, and practice—are parallel to the three A's of individuals—aspirations . Evaluation of the same is also carried out. ROLE OF HRM1. Hrm career development - SlideShare Analysing Employee's Needs and Aspirations 2. Career Development - LSU In career development, the employee is responsible for career planning, and the organization, more specifically the HR practitioner, is responsible for career management. many organizations and employees find it challenging to devel op an . The Training & Development section of HRM delivers professional development training programs and provides organizational effectiveness consulting and assessment services.