In Cehave NV v. Bremer Handels GmbH (The Hansa Nord) [1975] 3 All E.R.739, it was held that citrus pulp pellets which had deteriorated in transit but which were still usable for the purpose for which such pellets were normally used, namely, for animal feed, were not contrary to the requirement of s. 14 (2) (‘merchantable’ quality). Bremer Handelsgesellschaft v Vanden Avenne-Izegem: HL 1978 A buyer and seller contracted for the sale of condensed milk- the goods arrived bearing a brand which was an infringement of a registered trade mark, as a result of which the Commissioners detained the goods. They were appropriated by the sellers as follows: Two were tons for 1,000 tons each on the second contract. Summary. Held: Lord Wensleydale said: ‘Whatever question may have arisen, if the deceased had died in 1842, her subsequent residence for eleven years gave a character to her prior residence, and proved that … Cehave NV v Bremer Handelsgesellschaft GmbH, The Hansa Nord [1975] 3 All ER 739. -- Five defendants in the Edward G. Bremer kidnapping case were convicted and two were acquitted by a jury in United States District Court here today. Gallery Gallery … Good faith. Cases determining a consumer: Issue Case Held Commercial grade domestic product used in business: Carpet Call Pty Ltd v Chan She took on about 3,400 tons of citrus pulp pellets at Port Manatee in Florida. Cehave MV v Bremer Handelgesellschaft mbH (the “Hansa Nord”) [1975] 2 Lloyds Rep 445 Sale of Goods Act 1893 – provision in CIF sale, shipped “in good condition” – held not to be a condition The Facts Citrus pulp pellets used in the manufacture of cattle feed were shipped from Port Manattee, Florida to Rotterdam. The buyers were to use the product in animal feedstuffs. 581. Bremer Vulkan Schiffbau v South India ... - Charter Party Cases