His corrected form of the Hodge conjecture is: . Alexander GROTHENDIECK (1966), Alain CONNES (1982), Pierre-Louis LIONS and Jean-Christophe YOCCOZ (1994), Laurent LAFFORGUE (2002), . Famous for her original and multifarious research, she won numerous rewards and has achieved exceptional international credit.
Some mathematical resources - KAIST Grothendieck-Lefschetz for ample subvarieties Authors.
Vladimir Voevodsky | Institute for Advanced Study - IAS Author links open overlay panel Quy Thuong L . local-global principle for linear ordinary differential equations Nicholas Katz related some cases to deformation theory in 1972, in a paper where the conjecture was published
TA Stuff - math.umd.edu 5 May 2017 Organizers: Joseph Ayoub, Luca Barbieri-Viale, Andrew Kresch, Richard Pink Read more. ALEXANDRE GROTHENDIECK Un voyage à la poursuite des choses évidentes. Claire Voisin, 'A counterexample to the Hodge conjecture extended to Kähler varieties', International Mathematics Research Notices, 2002 (20), 1057 - 1075 (2002).
CiteSeerX — PSEUDO-EFFECTIVE CLASSES AND PUSHFORWARDS On the other hand, the Bloch conjecture is a prediction that Chow . The main references are [BMT14, BMS16]. Lectures on the Hodge and Grothendieck-Hodge conjectures. But as legitimate as it is, the question is difficult to answer, because of the particularly abstruse nature of his mathematics and the wealth of notions he .
Footnotes to papers of O'Grady and Markman | SpringerLink Grothendieck - Serre correspondence: Grothendieck theory of dessins d'enfants: Groupes de Grothendieck-Teichmüller et inertie champêtre des espaces de modules de courbes de genre zéro et un: Groupes modulaires et théorie des champs: Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry: Invitation to the mathematics of Fermat-Wiles: The library paradox
[1003.3183] Pseudoeffective and nef classes on abelian varieties Advances in geometric analysis. We also prove that one of these conjectures implies Grothendieck's generalized Hodge conjecture for varieties with Hodge coniveau at least 1. We also discuss several problems and questions . identities in the Grothendieck{Witt group. May 16-22, 2022, Paris, France: conference in Algebraic Geometry in honor of Claire Voisin, at the Institut Henri Poincare.
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS - zxc.wiki