CNG is more polluting than petrol. (c) Least polluting fuel for a vehicle is Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Advantage of Cng over Petrol and Diesel Cars Essay - Essay Sample Asked on 22nd Oct, 2020 CNG can be more polluting than petrol. But, petroleum is a mixture of various hydrocarbons mainly containing 5 to 40 carbon atoms per molecule. LPG As Good As CNG In Curbing Pollution: Auto LPG Suppliers To ... - News18 "As observed in Mashelkar Expert Committee report on Auto Fuel Policy in India, CNG vehicles for one mile emits 20 per cent more greenhouse gases than a diesel vehicle for one mile. 3-4 per Km cheaper than its rival fuel. 40% of electricity generation depends on coal. The share of electric and hybrid vehicles also rose marginally. CNG buses in Gujarat 'tweaked' to show they pollute more than diesel ... The Government is also pushing for adding 10000 CNG pumps by 2030 and effect a massive switch to CNG cars till then. It is great for the environment because it does not contain elements such as lead and sulfur, which can cause environmental pollution. However, the Government policy is strongly supporting the switch to EVs in the long term. Carbon content of lignite is 25-35%. Coal tar (e) Produce more energy: 6. 9. Question 5. CNG is the compressed form of natural gas, which is nothing but greenhouse gas, methane. Non-availability of CNG pumps across India. Disadvantages. Ban on big diesel cars stays, Supreme Court says get us data on ... (True or False) (e) True. CNG, a fossil fuel substitute for petrol, diesel and propane is widely considered a more environmentally 'clean' and safer alternative to conventional fuels—especially in the event of a spill wherein CNG can disperse quickly causing minimal environmental impact. Why is CNG considered as better fuel than petrol and diesel? Not only is CNG fuel more affordable than petrol, but a CNG car also returns higher . Which Are More Polluting: Diesel Engines or Petrol Engines? CNG is still an emerging alternate fuel type and is mostly found in metro cities like Delhi . MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal and ... - Learn Cram Cng is More Polluting Fuel than Petrol. We get napthalene ball from coal tar. Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions Science Chapter 5 CNG is expanded as compressed natural gas which remains clear, odourless and non-corrosive. 0 0 Classes Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 Commerce Class 11 Engineering Class 11 Medical Disadvantages. Question 8. Between 2019-20 and 2020-21, the share of diesel cars in the market fell from 29.5 per cent to 17 per cent while the share of petrol cars rose from 66 per cent to 76 per cent.