modules (import and export) ECMAScript 6, ECMAScript 2018, MDN, …
GitHub - lukehoban/es6features: Overview of ECMAScript 6 … Instead you need to use a plus sign for concatenation: Together, these also bring object literals and class declarations closer together, and let object-based design benefit from They are called "computed property names" From MDN: Starting with ECMAScript 2015, the object initializer syntax also supports computed property names.
computed property names mdn computed property names mdn Computed Property Names (on the Destructuring Assignment page) appear to be supported in Safari.
JavaScript Computed Properties Like an object literal, you can use computed properties for getters and setters of a class. For example: The get [name] is a computed property name of a getter of the Person class. At runtime, when you access the fullName property, the person object calls the getter and returns the full name. JavaScriptのオブジェクトのキーを角カッコ[brackets]で囲う記法について. ES6+ for React Gitbook. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. 语法,另外还可以使用 [] 传入一个结果为字符串的表达式。 使用 .
Hop.js/es Dynamic object keys (computed property names) are awesome! computed property names mdn ES6 计算属性名称(Computed property names)_这碗花里只有粥 … Together, these also bring object literals and class declarations closer together, and let object-based design … citi investment banking coverage groups. ES6's "Computed Property Names" feature allows you to have an expression (a piece of code that results in a single value like a variable or function invocation) be computed as a property name on an object. In fact, I was a bit surprised to find this was not already part of JavaScript. Improve this answer. Introduction to JavaScript Computed Property. オブジェクト初期化の際に使える「名前」は、以下の四種類ということになります。 .
JavaScript: Computed property names - techtutorialsx Destructuring assignment - JavaScript | MDN So, it can be any string, including '1foo', '!bar! That allows you to put an expression in brackets [], that will be computed and used as the property name.This is reminiscent of the bracket notation of the property accessor syntax, which you may have used to read and set properties already.. Now you can use a similar …