How determined they were!
mars 2015 - English on line webquest - Correction - English on line - LeWebPédagogique Notre site Internet vous propose de télécharger des millions de notices gratuitement. Ellis Island is a museum now that many tourists visit every year in New York. Attention, ne garantit pas l'exactitude des informations de ces documents, utilisez-les intelligemment ! Mexican Immigration Sequence Student. Students will view photographs, listen to oral histories, and analyze data. 1- When did Ellis Island open ?
advert mile PDF A Webquest : Take an Interactive Tour of Ellis Island* Ellis Island Webquest Author: ADMIN Created Date: 20081102190903Z .
DOCX Test Term a Boy'Sjourneyamerican Dreams Student. _____ Youre an immigration officer at Ellis Island. For most people, Ellis Island was the "Isle of Hope." = l'île de l'espoir But for people who failed the health or legal inspections, it was the "Isle of Tears." = l'île des larmes
Ellis Island Webquest Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers 309.
PDF Ellis Island Webquest - More about New York City's population/history Autres pistes d'exploitation possible : > Watch the following films. 1ère Ada Lovelace Ellis Island; 1ère LLCE, Tuesday, March 15th; Tle LLCE , Wednesday, February 16th . Statue Cruises operates the ferry service.
PDF WEBQUEST LET'S GO TO NEW YORK CITY ! Population: in 2016 Welcome to Ellis Island!
PDF Ellis Island WebQuest - 10th Lit with Dr. C. The new structure on Ellis Island, built of "Georgia pine" opened on January 1, 1892; Annie Moore, a 15 year-old Irish girl, accompanied by her two brothers entered history and a new country as she was the very first immigrant to be processed at Ellis Island on January 2.