Mathias Bernard: Macron's victory has deep challenges Biography Early life (1951-1976) Jean-Luc Mélenchon was born in Tangier (Tangier International Zone), Morocco. The once formidable Socialist Party appears in irretrievable decline after the worst election result in its history in 2017 (its presidential candidate Benoît Hamon finished fifth with just six per cent of the vote).. One of the chief beneficiaries is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of the left-wing France . Jean-Luc has one child with his former wife Bernadette Abriel. 1962. In France, as in so much of Europe, the traditional centre left has collapsed. Associated With. #ELYSEE2022 #PRESIDENTIELLE #UNIONPOPULAIREJean-Luc MELENCHON : « Pour les patrons et les industries du futur, je suis une affaire formidable. France Could Get a Dangerous Far-Left Surprise on Election Day 800 universitaires appellent à voter Mélenchon Jean-Luc Mélenchon was born in Tangier (Tangier International Zone), Morocco. Mélenchon proposes "anti-globalization alliances" outside NATO . Mélenchon's France Unbowed [La France Insoumise] party is, without question, the leading force on the left after the first round of the presidential election.He obtained more than twice as many votes as the combined score of the five leftist candidates in the race: Greens candidate Yannick Jadot, the Socialist Anne Hidalgo, Communist Party candidate Fabien Roussel, Philippe Poutou from the . Far-left French candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon talked climate, feminism and cost of living at a rally on Tuesday in a bid to persuade youth and undecided voters ahead of Sunday's ballot. Born June 7, 1920, in La Hoguette, Calvados Department. En meeting à Lyon, Jean-Luc Mélenchon condamne la guerre en Ukraine de ... . . Il faut dorénavant attendre les 12 et 19 juin 2022 et le résultat des élections . Cole Stangler is a Paris-based journalist writing about labor and politics. The death of George H.W. The French Left's Conundrum - The American Prospect the last leftist to achieve double-digits in the polls was the French Communist Party's Georges Marchais, who won 15.35 per cent in the first round. Mélenchon's defeat leaves the left in a lurch before second round of ... Pour elle, Jean-Luc Mélenchon est le candidat qu. Ce que vous ne savez (peut-être pas) sur Jean-Luc Mélenchon I don't know if deep down he has changed, but at the very . Jean-Luc Mélenchon - Actus, photos, vidéos, biographie… Au 1er tour de l'élection présidentielle, Macron obtient 28,3 % des voix devant Le Pen (23,3 %) et Mélenchon (21,2 %), selon une estimation Ifop-Fiducial pour TF1-LCI.