George feels both guily and sad in this description of what he does after he kills Lennie: "But George sat stiffly on the bank and looked at his right hand that had thrown the gun away."(107). Use these to develop a thesis statement about the treatement of animals. Does Lennie Face Reality - 348 Words | Internet Public Library George on the other hand, needs Lennie for a purpose in life. George and Lennie's companionship contrasts the loneliness that surrounds them on the ranch. Literature Circle - 3/4AHernandez - Google Of Mice And Men: 10 Differences Between The Book And The Film Why Does George Kill Lennie Right - 384 Words | 123 Help Me He orders the others around, and, although it is true that he does hold some power on the ranch, he does not hold any respect from the workers. He has killed his pup by petting it too hard. Lennie from Of Mice and Men is a character whose dream dies and who even dies himself. One of the main characters and Lennie's caretaker. What are some quotes about the relationship between George and Lennie ... Curly is the bosses son that does not like George and lennie because they are to good of workers. PDF Broken Dreams - Lennie kills the pup that Slim gives him. Even though Lennie killed Curly's wife and the puppy and the mouse, George knows Lenny means no harm and is just different and stronger then anybody else. The kind of relationship George and Lennie has is more like a master and his dog relationship than a friendship because George is responsible for Lennie after Lennie's aunt Clara died. Remember that a paragraph consists of an opening or introductory sentence, a concluding sentence, and the middle sentences contain the details and proof of your point. he is the ranch owners son and gets away with everything because of that.