The Surprisingly Religious Background Of "Golly," "Gosh," And "Gee" Continue Reading Below Advertisement Is it wrong to be LGBT? | Not only that, but it is completly disgusting that some find this as a suitable lifestyle. Most Asian . It's equivalent to being called "Whitey" in the U.S. (see superstition), narrow-mindedness . RNS Morning Report. "Ghetto," when used colloquially as an adjective, is the most racist, derogatory word in the common lexicon, given its so subtle insinuations and layers. Your Therapist Just Doesn't Get You. For not only is it a personal attack, it is worse, as the person on the receiving end must defend their personal reputation and they immediately have that hazy "label" of being seen as a malevolent individual. A CNN travel editor named Chuck Thompson has established himself as a one-man hate group in writing a short book entitled Better Off Without 'Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession. Now, using euphemisms is not inherently . Nearly two years later, on April 8, 1988, Mark decided to turn his hatred towards Asians. BIGOT Synonyms: 19 Synonyms & Antonyms for BIGOT - Just because YOU are convinced he's a bigot does not make it fact. Why I Hate the Word "Bigot" | L. B. Nimmo The listed prefixes, roots, and suffixes are boldfaced, followed by their meanings in parentheses, and then by example words. This is where gosh, golly, and gee come into play—a way out of the linguistic trouble that comes with shouting the name of one's God in surprise, anger, frustration, or the like. (And in my opinion, any word whatsoever could be 'bad' if used in a mean way. Laura Schlesinger is a bigot because she used the racial epithet trigger. In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word.