Depp Depp, 58, wore an earpiece and showed up late on set, his former agent testified. One bombshell admission from a Disney executive in court today could spell big trouble for Johnny Depp’s chances of winning his case. The courtroom was filled with former friends and employees of Depp and some of them testified against Depp. Selon sa déclaration, … Johnny Depp Demanded $20 Million Handout From Agency, Ex-Agent Says Home News Johnny Depp's former agent says he demanded a $20 million handout during his financial woes in 2016, arguing he had made the agency a fortune Mia Jankowicz 4 hours ago
Johnny Depp Le témoignage de l'agent de Johnny Depp, lors du procès qui l'oppose à son ex-compagne Amber Heard, révèle les cachets exorbitants que touchait le comédien pour ses films et l'impact qu'a eu le scandale. Jury awards $15 million to Johnny Depp, $2 million to Amber Heard in defamation case 11:47. L'acteur Johnny Depp est sorti gagnant mercredi de son procès âpre et ultra médiatisé l'opposant à son ex-épouse Amber Heard, même si … Johnny Depp ne supportait plus de payer une commission très élevée.
Johnny Depp : cette conséquence inattendue de ses tourments … Johnny Depp's former agent has told the court how she watched the Pirates of the Caribbean star destroy his own career with his temper and bad behaviour, flared by his use of drugs and alcohol. Tracey Jacobs net worth. Why did Johnny Depp fire Tracey Jacobs? Christian Carino, l’ex-agent de Johnny Depp, a pris la parole mercredi lors du procès en diffamation qui oppose les deux anciens époux. Johnny Depp avait acheté la maison en 2001 et y a investi environ 10 millions de dollars.
Johnny Depp