Jupiter, as the 3rd and 12th lord, transits in your 2nd house in 2022. Jupiter Transit 2022-2023 Predictions for Libra Moon Sign There will be an increase in family members. Jupiter enters Revati Nakshatra on 24th Feb, 2023 07:14 am Jupiter enters Aries on 22nd Apr, 2023 05:14 am Jupiter enters Bharani Nakshatra on 21st Jun, 2023 07:56 am Jupiter starts moving retrograde in Aries on 4th Sep, 2023 07:44 pm Movement change at : 21.40 Jupiter enters Ashwini Nakshatra on 27th Nov, 2023 10:44 am Aquarius. Phase 2: July 29, 2022 and Oct 23, 2022. Transit Jupiter 2022-2023 - Written Predictions - Virgo. After this, it will be present in Pisces only for the whole year. Jupiter Transit 2023 | Guru Peyarchi 2023 - Aaps.space Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope June 2022 | Cafe Astrology .com Purchase of land, share and jewellery will take place. - From where it will rise back on 27 March 2022. Jupiter Transit Horoscope 2022 - 2023 (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) by ... Jupiter Transit 2022 dates In Vedic astrology, the transit of Jupiter is considered to be auspicious for most of the natives as it brings happiness and joy in their life. When seen from space it appears to be a bright and shimmering planet reflecting the hues of yellow gold. Jupiter Transit 2022 to 2023 Predictions for Aries Moon Sign Major Effects of Rahu Ketu Transit 2022 to 2023 on All ... - Jupiter Speaks It re-enters Aries on Dec 20, 2022 and stays there all the way till May 16, 2023. South and North Korea, South Africa, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, UK, many European countries struggle. The workload may increase, and you may face many expectations from clients, seniors, bosses, or partners. It is also the last sign of the zodiac. Change of fortunes will be in your favor. Jupiter is a not a benefic planet for Aquarius Rashi but controls the financial domains and will be transiting their 2nd house.