Remus Lupin — Wikipédia Lupin's story begins here: One day, Lyall Lupin was asked to attend the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Meanings of Names in Harry Potter: Latin References and Meanings all i want is someone to watch pink moon. It was a dormant four-year old corm which is an underground stem and was the size of a softball. Lupin's name betrays what he actually is, a werewolf! "Lupin" is derived from the Latin "lupinus," which means "of a wolf." Remus is a figure from Roman mythology who was raised by a wolf. Harry Potter: The Tragic Life Of Remus Lupin Anthony R. Latin. The tree wasn't as nice as his one at home, sadly. Remus is the name of one of the two brothers in the Roman myth "Romulus and Remus." According to the myth, two abandoned babies, Romulus and Remus, were found by a she-wolf and raised by her. Lupus in Latin means wolf and Remus Lupin is obviously a werewolf. 'Harry Potter' Character Names: the Secret Meanings Behind Them - Insider Lupin family. Meanings of Latin and Greek Names in "Harry Potter" How to say Remus in English? Is Remus a real name? - "Lupin" derives from the Latin lupus meaning "wolf". Remus Lupin « Carpe DMM - David Morgan-Mar If only his middle name was "Vultus" instead of John, that would have been perfect. Name Remus: Origin: Latin Pronounced: reem-us Meaning: "master builder" Note: Remus is one of the legendary twins who, with brother Romulus, founded Rome and were raised by wolves Lupin: Origin: Latin Pronounced: loo-pin Meaning: "wolf-like" Note: Canis Lupus is the scientific name for the wolf Nickname (s) Moony: Given to him by his friends