When a Cancer woman is falling for you, she will take every opportunity to make you feel cared for. He does everything he can to make you laugh. Changes in mood, memory/ confusion , or coordination. She feels too much. Their personalities are ruled by deep feelings and intuitions. You’ll know right away if a Cancer man has feelings for you. She can be docile, stubborn, angry and quiet within the course of one zodiac sign. Traits: Tough as well as soft, loyal, overreact, diplomatic, many facets, emotional and intuitive, selfless. Sometimes dark moods can take Cancer women to extreme places. She is like water in her ability to be a tidal wave of passion or peaceful tranquility. She is a tidal force of perplexing feeling, … What to Expect When a Person With Cancer is Nearing Death He Gets Jealous and Possessive Top 7 Signs A Cancer Man Is Falling In Love With You Truly signs Get Tips to Make a Cancer Man Love You. He makes you feel special. They're romantic, loyal, and very in tune to … 3.1 He Is All About The Bedroom. 6. Ruled by the Moon, this sign is one that varies from mood to mood. Signs That a Cancer Patient Is at the End of Life | Healthfully Cancer Woman in Love