The system comes with many of Taylor’s higher-end guitars, while the lower-end instruments like the 100 series have the ES-T. The popular body style of the Grand Auditorium helped define the signature acoustic sound Taylor is known for. A versatile guitar, you can enjoy high volume even in response to light fingerpicking.
Guitar This compact Grand Concert acoustic-electric serves up a richly textured sound with lush overtones, crisp trebles and a warm low range, articulate enough for finger…
Taylor 214CE Review Chaque année, lors du NAMM qui se tient à Anaheim, en Californie, l’équipe des ventes Taylor organise un événement où est présentée une sélection de magnifiques guitares créées dans le cadre de notre programme Custom.
Taylor Guitars | Case Study | - SHANNON McGLATHERY What is the flagship Taylor guitar? - Guitar Reviewed Both the 517 and 717 have an amazing feel right out of the case.
Taylor Taylor has made a big fuss about redoing the way they do their finishes on their flagship guitars like the 8xx series - they are attempting to make them much thinner than previously. Their e-commerce store rudimentary.
Taylor Thanks to Andy Powers’ new C-Class bracing wizardry, the GT packs the tonal depth of a full-size guitar into a form that’s easy and fun to play.
Review: Taylor Guitars Grand Pacific Builder’s Edition Indian Rosewood.
Handmade Legends – A Tour of The Taylor Guitar Factory